RCA_HealthcareRCA’s rich history of creative problem solving is the thinking behind the full line of RCA Healthcare TVs that are designed to meet the unique needs of the lodging, healthcare, education and other commercial markets. With a complete range of screen sizes to choose from, you can always find the ideal model or solution to meet your space or application requirements.

RCA Commercial Electronics presents a new line of high-definition televisions for the Hospital Patient Room. This series incorporates all features needed for the demanding Patient Room environment. The patient will enjoy the very latest in technology from our top quality video design to the crystal clear audio circuitry. With full on operation as low as 30 watts, these are some of the greenest televisions on the planet.


RCA Healthcare Grade LED Televisions

22 RCA Healthcare TVs
22″ Healthcare LED HDTV
26 RCA Healthcare TVs
26″ Healthcare LED HDTV
32 RCA Healthcare TVs
32″ Healthcare LED HDTV
42 RCA Healthcare TVs
42″ Healthcare LED HDTV


RCA Long Term Care LED Televisions

22 RCA Healthcare TVs
22″ Long Term Care LED HDTV
26 RCA Healthcare TVs
26″ Long Term Care LED HDTV
32 RCA Healthcare TVs
32″ Long Term Care LED HDTV
RCA Healthcare TVs Warranty
RCA Warranty
